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PECE English(Different sentences):Grammar journey...

PECE(Primary Education Completion Examination) English------

On my previous article, I discussed the necessity of learning English grammar for PECE(Primary Education Completion Examination) students. Students should learn English grammar in a sequential way. On my today's article, I am going to focus on different kinds of English sentences. from the ancient time, we are social being. So, we are to communicate with others in the society. In our day to day life, we always describe a person or things. We also ask a question to anyone to inquire about something. We are to command or request someone. we pray to our almighty for our wellwishers. sometimes we need to express our fellings and emotion suddenly. That is how we spent our whole day using different sentences. Sentences are categorized according to their meanings and structure. There are five kinds of Sentences according to how they express our full emotions.those are given as follows:

  1. Assertive sentence.
  2. Interrogative sentence.
  3. Imperative sentence.
  4. Optative sentence.
  5. Exclamatory sentence.

Assertive sentence: Assertive sentence describe a person or object. It gives a statement about a situation of thing or person. Suppose we say"We are Bangladeshi."Bangladesh is a beautiful country." "My father was a govt officer." those are assertive sentences. sometimes we say "He is not a good student."He does not go to school every day.""They do not play football." those are also assertive sentences. But they expresse negative meaning. So, there are two kinds of assertive sentence. Affirmative and Negative.
Interrogative sentence: Interrogative sentence expresses meaning by asking a question. An interrogative sentence starts with "WH-words" or auxiliary verb and ends with a question mark. Suppose we say,"What is your name?.""How are you?.","What class do you read in?.""When will you start for school?""Which pen do you like?.""Where are you from?."Are you fine?.""Do you have any pencil?.""Will you go to school tomorrow?""Does he go to school every day?."
Imperative sentence: When we are to command, request, advise, and forbid about something then we use Imperative sentence.suppose we say,"March on.","stop writing.""Please, give me a glass of water.""open the door.""bring me the duster.""Don't run in the sun.""Always speak the truth.","Let him go."
Optative sentence: We must pray to Almighty for the happiness of our life. The sentence that expresses a wish or prayer of the speaker is called an optative sentence.suppose we say,"May you be happy."May Allah bless you.""long live our president."
Exclamatory sentence: In our real life we sometimes see something has happened unexpectedly. Then we express our feeling or emotion instantly. That is an exclamatory sentence. An exclamatory sentence always contains an exclamation mark. Some example of the exclamatory sentence is given below:
Alas!we lost the match.
Hurrah!we have won the game.
How beautiful the bird is!

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