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PECE(Primary Education Completion Examination)English:Grammar journey---

On my blog site, I have discussed how to do well in English. As we know that we do not care about grammar when we speak in Bangla. But we should learn about grammar when we try to learn English properly. In this article, we are going to learn some grammar.we are starting from "sentences".What is a sentence? Your English for today book is a collection of different sentences. When many meaningful words are gathered in a sequential way to express a full meaning then this called a sentence.for example, We live in Bangladesh. Here we, live, in, and Bangladesh is separate meaningful words. They stay one after another and make a perfect English sentence. A sentence has main two parts. One part is "Subject" and another part is called "Predicate" In a sentence we say something about a person or object.which is called Subject. What we say about the subject is called predicate. suppose, they play this sentence "they "is subject portion and "play football" is predicate portion. The subject may also consist of many words. The name of our country is Bangladesh. In this sentence "the name of our country" is the subject portion. The subject may be noun, pronoun and verb+ing. We will discuss Noun and Pronoun in our next tutorial. Sentences are classified in two different methods. According to their meaning and according to their structure. There are five kinds of sentences according to their meanings. Those are:(1)Assertive sentence. (2)Interrogative sentence. (3)Imperative sentence. (4)Optative sentence. and the last one (5)Exclamatory sentence. Assertive sentences are categorized into two subcategories. Affirmative sentence and negative sentence."We play football" is an Affirmative sentence and "We don't play football" is a negative sentence."What is your name?","Who are you","What class do you read in?" those are interrogative sentences." open the door", don't run in the sun","give me a glass of water" those are imperative sentences."May Allah bless you","long live our president" "be happy "those are optative sentences." how beautiful!",what a scenery !",what a beautiful goal it is!" those are exclamatory sentences.

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